Summer Fellowship – 2024

What happens at the Summer Fellowships? 

  • 12 women will sign up to gather in a host home on a set day and at a designated time
    • Morning fellowships are 9:30 am – 11:00 am
    • Evening fellowships are 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
    • Please limit friend groups to 2 people signing up at one fellowship. We really want women to meet others outside of their normal social group
  • Each woman will bring a food item to share:
    • Morning fellowships will bring light pastry or fruit to share
    • Evening fellowships will bring a small dessert or snack to share
    • The host home will provide water and coffee and the paper plates and utensils
  • The host will provide the structure for the fellowship – allowing time for the 12 women to get to know each other
  • There will be a “mystery” guest at the fellowship who will then share about 20-30 minutes of her story with the Lord.


How do I sign up for a Summer Fellowship?

  • Below there is a sign-up Genius for the month of June and the month of July
    • Please only sign up for one fellowship in June and one fellowship in July
  • Can my friends and I sign up together?
    • Yes, you can sign up together. However, part of this is an opportunity to get to know more women in the church from various ages and stages.  So, we would encourage you to limit groups going together to 2 friends at any one house.  We encourage your friend group to spread out amongst numerous houses.
  • What if all the spots are filled and I would like to go?
    • On each sign-up genius there is a place to mark that you would like to sign up if another house is available – pick am or pm session. Once we see there is a need, we will contact you and let you know of additional homes that have opened.



Additional Questions:

  • Is there a charge?
    • No charge! Just come and fellowship and bring a food item to share.
  • Is there nursery available?



June Signup:

July Signup: