Sermon Audio Series Titles

Here is an alphabetical listing of sermon audio series titles presently found in the Sermon Audio Library. If you do not see the series title in which you are interested, please contact us.

Click the title to view that series. Series are displayed with the most recent sermon first:

Acts in Biblical Perspective

Advent in Biblical Perspective (messages presented during the season of Advent)

Baptism in Biblical Perspective

Biblical Biographies from the Bible

Birmingham Theology and Life Conferences

Briarwood – A Great Commitment Church  

Briarwood and the New Millennium – Building on the Foundation

Call/Commitment/Cost of Discipleship

Christ Centered Disciple Making

Christ’s Church in Biblical Perspective

Christian Manhood Illustrated

Christian Stewardship in Biblical Perspective

Christianity in America

Church and State

Colossians is All and In All

Contemporary Issues 

Contending and Defending the Faith – The Contenders and the Defenders

Conversations on This Present Distress

Cultivating a Heart for God  

Daniel’s Memorable Memoirs and Message

Doctrines of Hell – Tragedy of Unbelief/Triumph of God’s Glory

Ecclesiastes in Biblical Perspective

Eternity in Biblical Perspective

Evangelism in Biblical Perspective

Five Great ‘Ships’ of the Christian Armada

From Here to Eternity

For Coming Generations

God’s Blueprint in Biblical Perspective

Godly Women in Biblical Perspective

Gospel Worship In Biblical Perspective

Growing in the Grace and Knowledge

Habakkuk in Biblical Perspective

Haggai in Biblical Perspective

Heaven – Eternal Weight of Glory

Holy Week in Biblical Perspective

How Then Shall We Love?

I Peter – The Elect in Exile

Is The Bible Reliable?


James In Biblical Perspective

Joel – A Minor Prophet With a Major Message

Jonah – A Reluctant Prophet and a Redeeming God

L.E.A.D. in Biblical Perspective

Leadership in Biblical Perspective (messages presented on Leadership Sundays)

Life of God in the Soul of Man

Loving One Another 

Matthew in Biblical Perspective

Meeting the Twelve, One at a Time

Missions Messages 

Nahum – God’s Word to Nations He Blessed Who Opposed Him

Nehemiah – Arise and Build

Obadiah in Biblical Perspective

Parenting as Shown in the Lives of Joseph and Mary

Peace Making in Biblical Perspective

Personal Spiritual Formation – Growing in Grace

Perspective From Ruth: A Love Story

Prayer and Fasting in Biblical Perspective

Progressive Christianity in Biblical Perspective

Project Andrew: Bring Them to Him

Psalm One: The Psalm of Psalms

Reformation for the Family

Reformation Sundays

Revelation in Biblical Perspective

Revive Us Again!

Romans in Biblical Perspective

Seven Essentials For the Christian Family

Seven Essentials in the Christian Life

Simplicity of the Christian Life

Spiritual Gifts – Discover, Develop and Deploy Our Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Warfare – The Embattled Christian


The Apostles’ Creed in Biblical Perspective

The Church in Biblical Perspective – Biblically Defining Success for the Church

The Ekklessia – Christ’s Church for the Ages

The Elections

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Glory of the Cross – To Know Nothing But Christ and Him Crucified

The Gospel of Christ From Genesis

The Gospel of Jesus Christ – The Majesty, Message and Ministry of the Gospel

The Holy Spirit – Led By the Spirit

The Jubilee in Biblical Perspective

The Lord’s Prayer in Biblical Perspective

The Lord’s Supper in Biblical Perspective (messages presented on Communion Sundays)

The Second Coming of Christ – The Olivet Discourse

The Word of God – The Divine Majesty and Sufficiency of God’s Word

Thy Word is Truth – The Supremacy and Sufficiency of God’s Word 

Timeless Truth for Timely Topics in Biblical Perspective

Transformed By Truth – Developing a Christian Mind

Travelling Route 66 – The Journey to Christ, The Journey With Christ, The Promised One

Zechariah – The Gospel According to Zechariah

Special Messages from Pastor Reeder

Pulpit Guest Speakers