This Lord’s Day: July 28

Sunday Morning Worship Services:
“A Weighty Matter”
Psalm 115
Rob Looper

The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated in the morning services. An alms offering for the Mercy Ministry will be received. Elements are gluten-free.

Sunday Evening Worship:
“Why Plant a Church?”
Matthew 28:19–20
Stephen King

Watch our livestream on the Briarwood AppFacebookYouTube or

The Briarwood ROKU and Apple TV are currently under construction and will hopefully be re-launched soon. Thank you for your patience during this time.


This Past Sunday: July 21

Sunday Morning Worship Services:
“Psalms of Lament: Hope in Sorrow”
Psalm 13
Dr. Dan Doriani

Sunday Evening Worship:
“Biblical Theology of Creation Care”
Dr. Dan Doriani

Stay up-to-date with sermons and services on the Briarwood App.