This Lord’s Day: September 15

Sunday Morning Worship Services:
“The Lost Sons”
Luke 15:11–32
Dr. Dan Doriani

This Lord’s Day, Dr. Doriani continues in his teaching on the parables and teaching of Jesus Christ. In this sermon, Dr. Doriani will preach on the Parable of the Lost Son and will challenge us with many questions including, “Are you more like the prodigal son or the self-righteous son or is there an element of both in you?” and “Which part of the parable speaks more to you: God’s grace for overt sins or God’s grace for a very bad attitude,  shown in pride and contempt?”

Sunday Evening Worship:
“The Apostle Paul and the Saints of Corinth”
I Corinthians 1:1–9
Dr. Dan Doriani

Watch our livestream on ROKU, Apple TV, the Briarwood AppFacebookYouTube or


This Past Sunday: September 8

Sunday Morning Worship Services:
“The Gospel: Free, but Costly”
Luke 14:15–33
Dr. Dan Doriani

Sunday Evening Worship:
“Biblical Theology of Technology”
Dr. Dan Doriani

Stay up-to-date with sermons and services on the Briarwood App.