Friendship Partners Program

What is the Friendship Partners Program? The Friendship Partner program is an excellent opportunity for cultural exchange and friendship. For many years Briarwood Church has participated in this program with UAB, which has proven to be very rewarding for both parties. Briarwood members are recruited to befriend international university students and scholars for a 9-month period, but may continue their friendship as long as both parties would like. Students may be here for a semester or several years. Most are here for two to five years while they complete their degrees. The students are offered an opportunity to meet American families and singles in American homes or other off-campus settings.

What is the time commitment? The students and Briarwood members meet at an initial match event, and then are on their own once or twice a month as schedules permit for 2 semesters (9 months). Friendship Partners can also stay in touch by phone, text or email throughout that time. They may share holidays, birthdays, visits to each other’s homes, sports, shopping, hobbies, personal interests, or attend local events and activities. The best way to spend time is bringing the students into what you are already doing– dinner, your kids’ soccer games, the church picnic, etc, while also being willing to do things or go places they have always wanted to do/go (like a baseball or football game).

How do I get involved? Both international students and Briarwood members complete applications, attend orientations, and are matched in September or January.

What should I expect? Each friendship is unique, just like the people involved! Expect to grow in both your knowledge of world culture and in your own spiritual awareness through time with your Friendship Partner.

Please contact Caroline Brown at or choose Friendship Partner on this form for an application or additional information.