Church Revitalization


The Lampstand | Birmingham Conference 2025
January 23–26, 2025
Briarwood Presbyterian Church
2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, AL  35243

Conference Information & Registration



Lampstand is a teaching, coaching, and mentoring ministry that equips and encourages church leaders as they pursue church vitality. For more than 25 years, the Lampstand team has come alongside churches to equip their leaders with Biblical principles for church planting, church revitalization, and church acceleration.

Church Planting – Igniting the Flame
Our experienced church planting faculty and coaches provide instruction and insight that is both Biblical and practical for starting spiritually healthy churches that are committed to worship, evangelism, discipleship and leadership development.

Church Revitalization – Embers to a Flame
Lampstand uses the Biblical paradigm found in Jesus’ words in Revelation 2:5 to the church at Ephesus—“Remember, Repent, and Recover the First Things”—Lampstand’s revitalization track equips churches that have fallen into spiritual decline and functional malaise.

Church Acceleration – Fanning the Flame
As a church grows spiritually and expands its impact functionally, it is crucial to stay on Message, in Mission, and in Ministry. Our church acceleration track focuses on next-level leadership development, decision-making, and faithful shepherding for the next season in the life of Biblically healthy churches.



In our national and international conferences Lampstand teaches the Biblical principles upon which church vitality is founded and sustained. Our teaching team of church planters and pastor-theologians also draw from multiple resources—theological, historical, and practical, as well as their own personal ministry experience.

All three Lampstand tracks are rooted in transcultural and transgenerational Biblical truths.

Church Planting (Igniting the Flame)
• Characteristics of a healthy church plant
• Centrality of ordinary means of grace methodology
• Vital Signs of a Biblical church planter
• Planting an intentional Great Commission Church with a Great Commandment Culture

Church Revitalization Track (Embers to a Flame)
• Prioritizing the corporate ministry of prayer
• The centrality of the preaching of the Word
• Leadership Maturation, Mobilization, and Multiplication
• Discovering, Developing, and Deploying Spiritual Gifts
• The Great Commitment to the Great Commission

Church Acceleration Track (Fanning the Flame)
• Creating a healthy culture of change
• Avoiding the ego-driven church
• Redemptively managing dissension, division, & disagreement
• Can a Lead Pastor of a large church really effectively pastor?



Lampstand’s coaching ministry assists planters, pastors, and church leaders in taking the Lampstand Conference teaching from theory to practice. We have engaged a team of experienced planters and pastors who specialize in areas such as:

• Leadership prayerfully crafting a clear vision statement
• Having clear objectives that pursue the stated vision
• Developing a set of strategies and goals to meet objectives
• Arriving at a plan to make prayer a way of life in the church
• Identifying and analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats before the church
• Staying accountable to ongoing leadership discovery, development, and deployment
• Defining a process to equip the saints for the work of ministry
• Regularly assessing the progress of strategy development and implementation

Various coaching arrangements are available. The Lampstand team will help you to determine which arrangement best suits your context and budget.



Healthy churches develop leaders—yet far too often the church calls men to be leaders who have only a worldly view of leadership. Lampstand is committed to on-going leadership mentoring, and developing relationships that extend beyond our conference and coaching settings.

Our mentors equip and encourage pastors to grow as leaders who understand the priority of defining, developing, and deploying other leaders—men who do not merely lead in the church but also in their communities and in the world.



Contact us to learn more!
205.776.5243 •