Christmas Eve Communion Candlelight Service

Worship Center 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, United States

Join us at Briarwood December 24 for one of our candlelight services. At 5:00 and again at 7:00 p.m. we’ll celebrate the coming King in song and scripture, ending with the entire Worship Center lit only by candlelight. At 11:00 p.m. we’ll have our more intimate Communion Candlelight Service. Come and worship the newborn King […]


MOC Study


Mondays—Meets in Fellowship Hall E & F at 6:30 a.m. January 6 – April 27 (15 weeks) No meeting 1/20 and 4/6. Olan Stubbs True Worship


WOC Study


Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan Meets: Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. Location: FH-A Leader: Cindy Reeder Starts: January 14 Additional Information: You may purchase Pilgrim’s Progress in the bookstore. Make sure you purchase the edition listed: ISBN#: 978-0-88270-757-0; Library of Congress#: 98-72704 Join us as we continue in our study of Christian’s progress through salvation and sanctification. […]


WOC Study

G101 , Select a Country:

The Promised One by Nancy Guthrie Meets: Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. Location: G-101 Leaders: Mary Anne Turnbull and Karen Duffey Starts: January 7 Cost: Books can be purchased in the bookstore for $13 The Promised One provides a fresh look at the book of Genesis, leading readers in discovering how its stories, symbols, people, and promises […]


WOC Study


Tuesday Night Study Meets: Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m. Location: G-103 Leader: Liz Entrekin Starts: January 7 Join with other women this spring as they continue foster their relationship with the Lord through the study of His Word.


MOC Study

Fellowship Hall F

Wednesdays—Meets in Fellowship Hall F at 6:30 a.m. January 8 – April 29 (14 weeks) No meeting 2/26, 3/25 and 4/8. Jason Ellerbee Means of Grace



Church Campus , Select a Country:

MidWeek at Briarwood is a Wednesday night fellowship and learning opportunity. The evening begins with a yummy meal where you can meet new people, catch up with friends, or just spend time with your own family. Then choose one of many different classes and activities. MIDWEEK begins with the Fellowship Dinner at 5:30 p.m. and classes and […]


WOC Study


Romans: The Gospel and Doctrines of Grace Meets: Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Location: M-202 Leader: Donna Evans Starts: January 8 Our Romans study is entitled: “Romans: The Gospel and Doctrines of Grace.” Paul’s letter to the Romans is a kind of Christian manifesto. “It is the fullest, plainest, and grandest statement of the gospel in […]


WOC Study


Colossians Meets: Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Locations: M-200 Leader: Dr. Susan McCollum Starts: January 8 Another new year!? Start it by looking at the all sufficiency of the Lord Jesus, for every step of this year. We need nothing beyond Him, but we do need him. Come join us as we dive into the book […]


WOC Study


Studying the Bible/Teaching the Bible Meets: Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Location: G-103 Leader: Discipleship Team Starts: January 8 A workshop aimed at equipping you to rightly understand and handle the Word of God using expositional study principles. This series is open to any woman who wants to become a better student or teacher of the […]


WOC Study


Precept: Romans Part 4/1 Samuel Meets: Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Location: FH-A Leader: Windsu Kelly, Bingham Carlson, and Cassandra Bullington Starts: January 9 (we will finish Romans Pt. 4 in January); February 6 (we will begin 1 Samuel) Cost: $20 As I Samuel begins the nation of Israel is at a low point spiritually. The […]


WOC Study

G101 , Select a Country:

True Worship Meets: Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Location: G-101 Leader: Kristie Harrick Starts: January 9 Worship at its simplest is to give worth to something, to show forth its worthiness or worth-ship. Join us as we dive into the what the Word says about worship. With Isaiah 6 and Romans 12 as the backdrop we […]


MOC Study

Fellowship Hall F

Fridays—Meets in Fellowship Hall F at 6:30 a.m. January 10 – May 1 (16 Weeks) No meeting 4/10. Benny Parks Indwelling Sin in Believers by John Owen


WOC Study

G101 , Select a Country:

Joshua Meets: Fridays at 9:30 a.m. Location: G-101 Leaders: Elizabeth Bondurant & Kristie Harrick Starts: January 10 Join us as we dive into the book of Joshua. This is a book of faithfulness. Faithfulness demonstrated by the various men and women highlighted in the 25 years covered in the book. More importantly, it is a […]


WOC Study

Caroline House

Caroline Circle Meets: 2nd Tuesday of each month-fellowship at 10:00 a.m. and study at 10:30 a.m. Location: Caroline House Leaders: Jan Clark and Nancy Mansfield Starts: January 14 Make time, once a month to meet with other women, study the Word, and enjoy a time of fellowship and prayer. We will study about heaven: what […]

Birmingham Rally and March for Life

Brother Bryan Park 22nd Street South at 10th Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

The pro-life community will gather at Brother Bryan Park (22nd Street South at 10th Avenue) on Saturday, January 18 at 10:45 a.m. for the annual Birmingham Rally and March for Life. This year, the Rally will be preceded by a Mass for Life at the Cathedral of St. Paul (2120 3rd. Avenue North) at 9:00 […]

Briarwood Ballet Sociable

Briarwood Church Gymnasium 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, AL, United States

Hey Y’all… We’ve wrangled up a list of the most popular country line dances that are sure to get your toes tappin’ on the dance floor! So Folks… Grab your boots… Tie a bandanna… & JOIN THE FUN, Friday, January 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Gym! There will also be a presentation by […]


MOC Study

Cajun Seafood House 2531 Rocky Ridge Rd

Tuesdays—Meets at the Cajun Seafood House at 11:45 a.m. January 28 – March 17 (8 Weeks) Harry Reeder Exodus 15

Biblical Theology Workshop for Women

Worship Center 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, United States

Do you ever read the Bible and have a sense that there is a deeper meaning or significance that you can’t quite figure out? Or do you sometimes wonder why others are able to draw something out of a passage of Scripture that you didn’t see until they pointed it out? If so, we hope […]

Sportsman’s Blast

Fellowship Hall , Select a Country:

Briarwood Men welcome back Russell Thornberry Friday, February 7 to the annual Sportsman’s Blast. Here is an excellent opportunity to invite a friend or relative to an outdoor sports exhibition followed by a delicious barbeque dinner, where they will hear a compelling sharing of the gospel. Click here for more details and to purchase tickets.


FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember

Embassy Suites Montgomery 300 Tallapoosa St, Montgomery, United States

Learn the skills you need to make your marriage a great one, Feb. 14–16 at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember getaway in Montgomery. Register now at


Global Ministry Conference

Church Campus , Select a Country:

Fellow Workers for the Truth For they have gone out for the sake of the Name…therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth. III John 7–8 Coming February 23–March 1, 2020 Details soon to come! Conference Speaker Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr. is President and Co-Founder […]

Women’s Missionary Coffee

Fellowship Hall , Select a Country:

Mark your calendar for the annual Women’s Missionary Coffee held during the Global Ministry Conference, Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  We will welcome 15 missionary women from around the globe.  Come enjoy light refreshments, prayer, and a word from one of our visiting missionary women. To help us with food preparation we would […]

Maundy Thursday Service

Worship Center 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, United States

Join us for Communion at the Table at 7:00 p.m.

Good Friday

Briarwood Presbyterian Church 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, AL, United States

Church and School Offices will be closed on Fri., Apr. 10 for Good Friday. Gates will open from 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. for the Good Friday Service at noon.

Good Friday Service

Worship Center 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, United States

Join us for a Service of Reflection on the Cross at Noon.

Easter Sunday

Worship Center 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, United States

Worship with us on Easter Sunday in the morning for the Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 AM, the 8:00 AM Worship service, Sunday school at 9:30 AM, the 10:55 AM Worship service and the Second Annual Briarwood Music Staff and Directors Resurrection Worship Recital at 6:00 PM.

Men’s Prayer Group

Mountain View Building 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, Alabama (AL), United States

The Men’s Saturday morning prayer group is meeting at 7:00 a.m. in the Mountain View House. E-mail Dave Matthews at for information.

Christmas at the Caroline House

Caroline House

Ladies, you’re invited to take a tour of the Caroline House, decorated for Christmas, November 16–20. Half-hour tours will be conducted each day from 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Each tour is limited to 10 people, so you’ll need to reserve your $5 tickets online to save your space. Hurry! Space is limited…click here for more information and […]


Men’s Outreach Event

Worship Center 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, United States

Men of the Covenant and Young Business Leaders invite you to a special outreach opportunity, Monday, Nov. 16 at 7:00 p.m. Eric Alexander, professional climber and author will share about climbing the highest peaks on all seven continents, as well as helping many others summit peaks all over the world. There is no charge, but seating is […]

Christmas at the Caroline House

Caroline House

Ladies, you’re invited to take a tour of the Caroline House, decorated for Christmas, November 16–20. Half-hour tours will be conducted each day from 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Each tour is limited to 10 people, so you’ll need to reserve your $5 tickets online to save your space. Hurry! Space is limited…click here for more information and […]


Christmas at the Caroline House

Caroline House

Ladies, you’re invited to take a tour of the Caroline House, decorated for Christmas, November 16–20. Half-hour tours will be conducted each day from 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Each tour is limited to 10 people, so you’ll need to reserve your $5 tickets online to save your space. Hurry! Space is limited…click here for more information and […]


Christmas at the Caroline House

Caroline House

Ladies, you’re invited to take a tour of the Caroline House, decorated for Christmas, November 16–20. Half-hour tours will be conducted each day from 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Each tour is limited to 10 people, so you’ll need to reserve your $5 tickets online to save your space. Hurry! Space is limited…click here for more information and […]


Christmas at the Caroline House

Caroline House

Ladies, you’re invited to take a tour of the Caroline House, decorated for Christmas, November 16–20. Half-hour tours will be conducted each day from 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Each tour is limited to 10 people, so you’ll need to reserve your $5 tickets online to save your space. Hurry! Space is limited…click here for more information and […]



Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Worship Center 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, United States

Join us at Briarwood December 24 for one of our candlelight services. At 3:00, 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. we’ll celebrate the coming King in song and scripture in our Family Candlelight Services, and at 9:00 and 11:00 p.m. we’ll have our more intimate Communion Candlelight Services. All services end with the entire Worship Center lit […]


WOC Study

Zoom (Virtual Meeting)

Finding Hope When Life Seems Dark Led by Leigh Ann Holmes In this study of five of the minor prophets—Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah—you’ll discover the light of God’s truth shining in even the darkest circumstances. Meets Mondays at 9:30 a.m. through Zoom.


WOC Study

Zoom (Virtual Meeting)

Zealous for the Lord God Almighty: The Prophets Elijah and Elisha Led by Michele Cantley Have you ever wondered why people thought Jesus was the Prophet Elijah returned from the dead?  Why does the Jewish Seder meal of today include the cup of Elijah?  When Jesus fed the 5000, why did the people recall the […]


WOC Study

Pilgrim’s Progress, Part 2 Continued Led by Cindy Reeder Our Tuesday Pilgrim’s Progress Study will continue as we follow Christiana, Mercy and the boys and others on their journey to the Celestial City.  Adventure, Battles and Surprises are in store as Great Heart continues leading the Pilgrims forward.  Books can be ordered through the bookstore […]


WOC Study

The Son of David by Nancy Guthrie Led by Mary Anne Turnbull What kind of king and what kind of kingdom are we asking for when we pray this prayer Jesus taught us to pray? A study of the Old Testament Historical Books—Joshua through Esther—enables us to see the kingdom of God not only as […]


WOC Study

Zoom (Virtual Meeting)

The Gospel of Mark Led by Kristie Harrick The Gospel of Mark was written to Roman believers walking through severe persecution under Nero. Mark wrote as a pastor to Christians who previously had heard and believed the Gospel. He desired that they have a biographical story of Jesus Christ as Servant of the Lord and […]


WOC Study

G101 , Select a Country:

Proverbs: The Wise Woman’s Bucket List Led by Donna Evans The beauty of God’s Word is that it does indeed work. It works when we obey it and it works when we don’t. God’s word is true-truth, timeless, and unchanging like God Himself. The book of Proverbs is anything BUT “random.” It is instead God’s […]


WOC Study


Loving God With All My Heart Led by Yvonne Welch Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37–38, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.” Many times in today’s world we do not love the Lord our God […]


WOC Study


Esther Led by Elizabeth Bondurant and Kristie Harrick The book of Esther unpacks the intriguing narrative of a Jewish woman and her cousin, Mordecai, who stayed behind in Persia following the exile—and how they were instrumental in saving God’s people in that place. With no mention of God anywhere in the book of Esther, it […]