Young moms, you are invited to join us this fall for our Mom 2 Mom gatherings. They will be held once a month 9:30 am – 11:30 am in Fellowship Hall E/F on the following Fridays:
• January 17
• February 14
• March 14
• April 25
What will we do?
We will provide some light refreshments and some time to visit with one another. Then at each gathering, we will have one of our older women provide a 10-15 minute talk/encouragement from the Word and their experience on a particular topic. Then we will have round table discussions focused on the topic. Each table will be hosted by two older moms who will guide our time together.
Young moms, this is not just about gathering helpful information, it is about building covenantal relationships from generation to generation.
To help us plan for tables and refreshments, please let us know that you are attending. We will ask you to register each month your plan to attend. *Nursery is available when you register at