Worship/Ministry Transition Plan

Beginning June 1, 2021 we as a church family entered into our Summer Worship/Ministry Transition Plan in order to prepare us for the effective implementation of a “New Normal” Ministry Plan scheduled to begin Sunday, August 15. We are so grateful for how our church has patiently and persistently adjusted during this transition time as we increased in-person ministry engagement while still providing remote engagement for those desiring and needing it to avoid gatherings. We thank our Lord for His blessings on our summer ministries, His hand of protection on all of us and His faithful provision of wisdom as we navigate this transitional period. During the summer our leadership has been working on a “New Normal” Plan while monitoring the internal and external circumstances presented by this pandemic.

We are currently experiencing an increase in COVID and Delta variant cases in our church and community. While we are encouraged by how these cases are being handled at Briarwood and are grateful they have not produced significant spreading we are also cautious to implement a “New Normal” at this time. Our Leadership Team Committee, comprised of elders, deacons and staff, has prayerfully determined that it would be prudent to extend our transition period and delay our scheduled August 15 shift to a “New Normal.” This will allow us to continue our Worship Services, Sunday School, Bible studies and ministry engagements as we are presently functioning. Here are a couple of reminders and encouragements as we maintain our transition plan and anticipate the development of a “New Normal.”

Each and every one of us are free to wear a mask at Briarwood out of our desire to take precautions or because we have vulnerabilities or we are not vaccinated or any other reason. In order to serve you we will continue to make masks available along with hand sanitizers throughout the church.

Remember that we are continuing to provide streaming and zoom so that if you are experiencing cold, flu-like, COVID or Delta variant symptoms you may engage remotely and avoid gathering together and potentially exposing others. If you need help getting to the doctor, filling prescriptions, acquiring meals, getting vaccinated, etc. please let us know so that we can effectively minister to you. It is our desire to care for and love one another well.

Please rest assured that as we move forward in this extended transition we will continue to monitor our situation and prayerfully consider the best paths to take while seeking to faithfully remain on Mission, on Message and in Ministry.

Most of all, let’s continue and even increase our prayers for one another, for our community, our country and the world as we seek to glorify our Lord during these challenging times. We praise our Lord for we have seen Him draw lost souls unto Himself, grow and mature us as His children, strengthen our relationships with each other and do “far more abundantly than all that we ask or think” during this pandemic. As we move forward our trust is certainly not in our plans but in our Lord who has prepared every step for us and continues to prepare us for every step.

May God and God Alone be Glorified!

Bruce Stallings, Executive Pastor

Summer Worship/Ministry Transition Plan

The Session of Briarwood Presbyterian Church has approved the following Summer Worship/Ministry Transition Plan effective June 1, 2021:

• Sunday, June 6, resume Sunday morning schedule of two morning services opening all our pews (cutting the ribbons) in the Worship Center and one Sunday School hour (9:30–10:30 a.m.) with dismissal of children to Children’s church during the morning worship services.
Sunday Summer Schedule
8:00 a.m. Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:50 a.m. Worship
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship

• Room assignments beginning June 6 for Children, Youth and Adult Sunday School will be communicated and posted on our website next week.

• Beginning June 20, we will provide a Children’s summer ministry opportunity during the evening service.

• Maintain the provision of streaming our Worship Services and Zoom for Congregational Communities in order to facilitate worship and ministry for those vulnerable.

• Implement a summer Choir transition plan with a focus on our choir leading us in our Christianity in America Service on the Fourth of July.

• Provide prioritized in-person ministry engagement including ministry gatherings, officer meetings, ministry teams, boards, etc. without restrictions while offering remote participation upon request when appropriate.

• Utilize the Summer as a transitional time to prepare us for the “New Normal” which, Lord willing, will be implemented Sunday, August 15.