Recreation is a fundamental part of life. Sharing the gospel through sports and recreation has been a commitment of Briarwood Church for many years through the Quest Recreation Outreach ministry. In addition to the information below, you may visit our website at


We Believe

  • Everyone needs and seeks times of recreation. Everyone, in every culture.
  • Recreation breaks barriers between people and creates bonds between them.
  • Sports and recreational activities provide personal and group outreach opportunities to share Christ naturally.
  • Sports and recreation give opportunities to reveal a person’s character and his needs.
  • The drive to compete and win is a tool in God’s hands to build Christlike character.
  • The relationships built through sports and recreation allow people to build up others and meet their needs in the context of community.
  • Every activity of Quest Recreation Outreach is designed to share Christ with others regardless of age, ability, church affiliation and race.

Quest Ministries

Camp Briarwood is a Christian summer camp for boys and girls. Since 1964 Camp Briarwood has operated day and overnight camps that blend the physical and the spiritual. Camp offers adventures which children never forget.

Briarwood Soccer Club gives children from kindergarten through high school a chance to be ambassadors for Christ through competitive and non-competitive teams. Players learn to play the world’s most popular sport, and, while having fun, they learn the skills to play with excellence and Christ-centered competitiveness. They learn to be leaders.

Briarwood Trail Life Troop 254 is a Christ-centered, outdoor character developing adventure program open to boys and young men aged 5–17. Boys will love the fun and adventure and parents will love the commitment to a Christian worldview.

Youth Sports provide community-wide activities for children and parents. Upward Basketball and Cheerleading combines the sport with spiritual growth. These sports activities incorporate scripture and prayer.

Special Connections gives children with disabilities and their families opportunities to experience the same things in life as others. Connecting people with special needs to God who will change their lives and connecting them with others whose lives they will change.

Urban Missions gives opportunities for:

  • children from communities where organized sports aren’t available
  • children who have a parent incarcerated
  • children with disabilities
  • to experience summer camp and sports in environments that change their lives and builds them up.

Overseas Missions give children and adults opportunities to use recreation to be ambassadors for Christ, taking their skills and the gospel to other countries. By continuing trips to the same mission fields, we deepen our spiritual investment and commitment. Partnering with local churches, we see children and adults who are reached for Christ continue to be discipled, one day becoming the spiritual leaders of their countries.


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