Foster Care Ministry

FOSTERING HOPE LOGO HORIZ“Briarwood’s Foster Care Ministry seeks to glorify God by providing the training, support and encouragement Christians need to minister to the children, parents and social workers engaged in the foster care system in our community.”

About Briarwood’s Foster Care Ministry

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. ~ James 1:27

Briarwood Foster Care Ministry provides “out of home” family care for children and young persons who cannot be adequately cared for by their families due to various family problems or crises.

The aim of foster care is to provide a substitute family life experience for the children in need so that they can enjoy a healthy home and community experience. This care will continue until they reunite with their families, are adopted, or reach 18 years of age, and can begin the transition to independent living. Children under foster care service will stay with the foster family for an average of a few months to two years.

Foster Parent Training Classes

Lifeline Children’s Services Foster Parent Training Classes are 10 weeks long and not only include the state curriculum, but teach the curriculum from a biblical perspective.

Click here to register and learn more, or contact Cade Smith at
