This Lord’s Day: June 30

Sunday Morning Worship Services:
III. Wisdom for Relationships: Parenting, Friendship, and Marriage
Genesis 2:24–25; Proverbs 18:22, 19:14, 27:15–16, 5:15–19
Dr. Dan Doriani

Sunday Evening Worship:
Christianity in America Service

Retired U.S. Colonel Pete Sniffin will be featured as our keynote speaker. Following the evening service, join us for a time of fellowship on the church lawn!

Watch our livestream on the Briarwood AppFacebookYouTube or

The Briarwood ROKU and Apple TV are currently under construction and will hopefully be re-launched soon. Thank you for your patience during this time.


This Past Sunday: June 23

Sunday Morning Worship Services:
II. Wisdom for Relationships: Parenting, Friendship, and Marriage
“Deep Friendship”
Proverbs 17:17, 18:24, Ecclesiastes 4:7–12, John 15:13–15
Dr. Dan Doriani

Sunday Evening Worship:
II. Biblical Perspectives on Contemporary Issues
“What the Bible Says About War”
Dr. Dan Doriani

Stay up-to-date with sermons and services on the Briarwood App.