Briarwood Officer Nomination

The month of May is the time during which nominations are accepted for officer candidates.
It is a very important duty that we have as members and leaders to nominate quality men for these offices.
We would ask that you pray diligently and thoughtfully in consideration of the men that you know who meet the criteria for officers laid out in I Timothy 3 and Titus 1. 

Please read this brochure and then submit qualified names using the form below.



• Please do not ask a candidate beforehand for permission to submit his name. He will be notified later in the summer if he becomes an approved candidate.

• If you do not know the individual well enough to give information when needed, don’t nominate him. You do not need to know conclusively if he is qualified. (There is a screening process the Nominations Committee applies to determine this which includes such things as membership status, length of membership, church involvement, etc.)

• Membership Status: a person must have been a member in good standing for 2 years to serve as a deacon and 3 years to serve as an elder

• It will not be a negative reflection on you if the candidate chooses not to run for office or is not approved to run by the Nominations Committee or Session.



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