The Purpose of Sunday School Communities
The purpose of Briarwood’s Sunday School Community Ministry is to teach consistently the whole counsel of God in the context of our congregational communities; to encourage the fellowship of believers, and to build disciples by equipping Christians to make an impact for Jesus Christ, beginning in the home and church and moving to Birmingham and beyond.

Let us help you find the right Sunday School Community for you! Call us at 205-776-5208 or drop by the Membership Office across from the Church Receptionist.

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Click here to read about Briarwood’s Inquirers Class, or call 205.776.5208.

Sunday School Classes Information
The winter quarter is December 1 – February 23. For class information, read below.

Special Events this Quarter:
Walk Through Nativity – December 11-13
Global Ministries Conference – February 23– March 2



College Community
College-age • W-202

“A Visual Guide to the Bible” College-age • A visual guide to the Bible: seeing and knowing God’s Word. Teacher: Jay Shaw. Team Leaders: Browns, Caroline Carlisle. CP: Mark Purser. SP: Benny Parks.

College Community Audio Archive


Graduates & Career
A community for graduates to early 30s • M-202

“The Beatitudes” Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) is arguably the greatest sermon ever preached. It is certainly one of the most often cited portions of the Gospels and even the entire Bible. The fact that this is true both inside and outside of the Church speaks to its innate and self-evident profundity, that has spawned no shortage of thinkers and books to participate in the age-old tradition of reflecting on this homiletical masterpiece. In the simplest of terms Jesus’ Sermon is about Life in the Kingdom of God, and within this larger section, the Beatitudes lay out for us the characteristics of the citizens of this Kingdom. Join us this winter as we address the question of what it means and looks like to be a Christian, through the lens of the Beatitudes. Teacher: Saeyoung Park. Team Leaders: Gathings, Gewins, & Haynes. CP: Saeyoung Park. SP: Benny Parks.

Graduate & Career Webpage


A community of singles & couples • A-201

“Acts: The Gospel On The Move” • We will be following the movement of the Great Commission as it extends from Jerusalem Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Teacher: Stephen King. Team Leaders: Barrs, Fisher, Galbreath, Kalehoffs, Moore, Prinz, Weaver. CP: Max Bunn. SP: Stephen King.

Branches Webpage 

Branches Audio Archive


In One Accord
A community for 40s and up • M-200

“Knowing God” • For over fifty years, J.I. Packer’s, Knowing God has, to quote Elisabeth Elliot, “plainly shown us ordinary folks what it means to know God.” Though it is impossible to cover entirely in one quarter, we will use significant portions of this Christian classic to study what God’s Word reveals about who God is and how we can know Him, “whom to know is life eternal.” Teacher: Mark Travers. Team Leader: Lance Garrison. CP: Chris Thompson. SP: Benny Parks.

In One Accord Audio Archive



The Oaks
Engaged and young married couples • M-111

“Do You Remember” • This quarter we will study what the Bible teaches us about things we should remember, things we should forget, and how we can learn to remember as a means of information how we respond, live, repent, and walk with God individually and as families. Teachers: Todd Carlisle, Chase Crawford, Thomas Garner. Team Leaders: Delks, Hersheys, Moores, Russells. CP & SP: Stephen King.


Young married couples with infants to elementary-age children • E-004

“Coram Deo: Living Before God in All of Life” • This class examines the importance of having and implementing a Biblical worldview, and how understanding non-biblical worldviews helps us to better share the gospel and love our neighbors as ourselves. Teacher: Rob Looper. Team Leaders: Bardins, Godwins, Heards, Iveys, Travers. CP & SP: Stephen King.



Young couples with infants to middle school-age children • E-006

“OT Biblical Theology and the Pentateuch” • This quarter we will begin by looking at some themes of the Old Testament (the covenant, the land, etc.) to equip us to be better Bible readers. Then, we will conclude the quarter by working through the Pentateuch with these themes in mind. Teacher: Bob McGregor. Team Leaders: Carlisles, Crawfords, Sasses, Welches. CP & SP: Bob McGregor.

Encounter Audio Archive


Covenant Keepers
Families with infants to middle school-age children • E-008

“Chosen By God” • Every Bible-believing Christian necessarily has some understanding of predestination. We will explore the Biblical and Reformed doctrine predestination, based on R.C. Sproul’s book and teaching series Chosen by God. Our study will include discussions of such topics as the nature and source of evil, man’s free will, humanism in the church, why bad things happen to “good” people, and whether real assurance of salvation is possible apart from a right understanding of the relationship between Sovereign God and fallen people. Teacher: Mark Hess. Team Leaders: Cawoods, Abby Leib, Moores, Jeff Olin. CP: Ryan Leib. SP: Benny Youngblood.

Covenant Keepers Audio Archive



Family Life
A class for the entire family • W-203

“Revelation” • Behold the Lamb of God! The Book of Revelation unveils the future, but even more, it reveals the heavenly glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the consummation of His purpose. Here is God’s word applicable for today and blessing for those who read, hear and keep it. Teacher: Don Furuto. Team Leaders: Belyeus, Maces.

Family Life Audio Archive



Growing in Grace
Families with preschool to high school-age children • (E-005)

“Romans 1-9” • This quarter we will study an overview of Romans 1-9. Teacher: Larkin Delk. Team Leaders: Bakers, Duffeys, Marshalls, Martins. CP: Eric Reebals. SP: Benny Youngblood.


Heritage Builders
Families with preschool to high school-age children • FH-B

“What Do You Confess” • This series aims to provide an overview and explanation of why the Westminster Confession is important to Christians. Every Christian must know what they confess and why they confess it – to their families, friends, and the world. Teacher: Theodore Woo. Team Leaders: Bartons, Bragans, Duffeys, Joneses, Lotts. CP & SP: Stephen King.

Heritage Builders Audio Archive


Families with preschool to high school-age children • E-007

“Seeds of Faith” • We will look at the biographical history of the Christian Church, which looks at the last 2000 years of Christian History thought the lens of significant saints in these time periods. Teacher: Rob Genin. Team Leaders: Blacks, Cains, McCurdys, Morrises, Stewarts, Tidmores. CP & SP: Benny Youngblood.


Growing Together
Families with preschool to college-age children • G-103

“The Attributes of God” • The fundamental principles that we hold tightly to as we navigate through these challenging times. Walking with a passion to make Christ known, not only by our words but by our lives. Teacher: Glenn Draper. Team Leaders: Blacks, Denards, Ellers, Iveys, Worrells. CP: Rob Looper.

Growing Together Audio Archive


Kingdom Seekers
Families with children in high school and older • E-003

“Hosea: Intimacy With God” • This series will study Hosea’s life and message of a God who loves and pursues His adulterous bride. Hosea gives us a glimpse into God’s own heart and shows us the way back to intimacy with Him. Teacher: Mark Purser. Team Leaders: Carters, Chappells, Greenes, Ricky Moore, Steven Peters, Russ Ponder, Steelmans. CP: Rob Genin.

Kingdom Seekers Audio Archive


Next Step
Families with children in high school or older • E-010

“Epistles of John” • Why are the Epistles of John relevant today? Because they provide a clear framework for living out the Gospel. They affirm that Jesus came in the flesh and emphasized faith, love and obedience. I John highlights the core of the Christian life, 2 John urges steadfastness in truth and love, and 3 John reaffirms key Christian principles. These letters help us live authentically by focusing on simple, foundational truths. Teacher: Chuck Powell, Jeff Dunn, Stephen Bunn. Team Leaders: Glenn Green, Chuck Powell, Mark Thompson. CP: Greg Norfleet.

Next Step Audio Archive


Inside Out
Families with children in high school or older • FH-C

“The Way Things Really Are” • Reformed systematic theology is the orderly distillation of the truths taught in the Bible. There also exists a coherent and well developed biblical worldview that squares with Scripture. We will synthesize these two into a “majority report” of historical orthodox protestant Christianity. From truth and revelation springs the correct view of everything. Don’t let yourself be fooled by the world. Teacher: Ken Friday. Team Leaders: David Harris, Mike Mungenast, Tripp Reid, Scott Summers.

Inside Out Audio Archive


REAL Matters
Families with children in high school or older • S-201

“The Incomprehensible Christ” • We will discover the incomprehensible Person of Christ as He is presented in Scripture. Teacher: Mike Felton. Team Leaders: Hursts, Marvin Keffer, Scotts, Warlicks.

REAL Matters Audio Archive


Hearts and Homes
Families with children in college or older • A-204

“Romans” • Many Bible scholars consider Romans to be the central book of the Bible. It makes the gospel clear, has insights for how to live and work together in the church, and how to live as a Christian. This quarter we will study the first half of the book and especially look at the parts that we can most readily apply to our lives. Teacher: Bobby Parks. Team Leaders: Salmons, Sittons, Smedleys, Smithermans. CP: Bobby Parks.


A class for all ages and stages in life • FH-A

“Timeless Truths” A class for all ages and stages in life • This quarter we will be studying timeless truths from God’s Word. Teacher: John Donaldson & Tim Townes. Team Leaders: Donaldsons, Mooneys, Towneses. CP & SP: Jim Alexander.

Discovery Audio Archive


Mountain View
A class for all ages and stages in life • A-209

“The Life of David” • We will study the life of David in 2 Samuel. Teacher: Olan Stubbs. Team Leaders: Adamses, Blackmons, Goebels, Lindsays. CP & SP: Dave Lewis.

Mountain View Audio Archive



Abundant Life
Empty nesters and grandparents • G-101

“I John ” • I John teaches us how to have fellowship with God and God’s people, how to have victory over sin, how to practice righteousness, to warn believers abut false teachers, and the promise of assurance of eternal life to those who truly believe. As believers, we are born of God. John refers to us as “little children.” As true children of God, we do God’s will, we love the brethren, and we believe the truth of the Scriptures. Please join us for this rich study. Teacher: Phil Reddick. Team Leaders: Cartwrights, Mullises, Yanceys. CP & SP: Dave Lewis.

Abundant Life Audio Archive


Kingdom Builders
Empty nesters and grandparents • FH-D

“Spiritual Disciplines” • While the Bible will be the source for all that we discuss, we will use several writers to help methodically guide us through our discussions – primarily Donald Whitney’s book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life with help from Jean Fleming’s Between Walden and the Whirlwind, and Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline. Teacher: Larry Holley. Team Leaders: McRaes, Zachows. SP & CP: Dave Lewis.

Kingdom Builders Audio Archive


Deeper Life
Empty nesters through great-grandparents • Chapel

“The Cross of Christ in the Ten Commandments” • This quarter we will be studying the Cross of Christ in the Ten Commandments, focusing on the redemptive nature of the Law. We will explore four principles by which we may know how to enjoy a right relationship with God, as well as six fundamental building blocks by which we might know how to enjoy right relationships with each other. This study will help us better understand how the Ten Commandments are a blessing to us today as they reveal the character of God. Teacher: Jim Alexander. Team Leaders: Marjorie Birdsong, Al Black, Blacks, Craigs, Bill Fox, Joyce Ann Jackson, Rick Lathem, Lee McCarty, Bill Moulton, Pat Nabors, Bill Rudd, Barbara Ryals, Greg Wolchok, Charles Woodall. CP: Chuck Morgan. SP: Jim Alexander.

Deeper Life Audio Archive


Empty nesters through great-grandparents • FH-E&F

“12 Ordinary Men” • A study of 12 ordinary men who transition from being disciples to apostles: resulting in turning the world upside down. Teacher: Jim Carlson. Team Leaders: Dickinsons, Huffs, Whaleys, CP & SP: Dave Lewis.

Homestead Audio Archive


Joyful Hearts
Empty nesters through great-grandparents • A-105

“So We Believe, So We Pray” • If you want to know what you believe, listen to your prayers. This is a study of the prayer life of Jesus, His teachings on prayer in the Gospels, and how we express our faith through praying as Jesus taught his disciples to pray. Teacher: David Wells. Team Leaders: Shaws. CP & SP: Jim Alexander.



Women Impacting the World
Women of all walks and stages of life • A-205

“I Peter” • Although the apostle Peter’s first epistle is a short letter, it is filled with hope and encouragement for Christians who are confronting challenges that threaten our joy. Peter gives critical information on why God’s people must face trials and also how to respond in such a way as to turn the trial into a blessing. In these five chapters we are instructed in the purpose of and response to authority, the recipe for loving life and seeing good days, and finding grace for the cares and anxieties of life. We are given God’s promise that He will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish us through grace as we follow His inspired plan for our lives. Teachers: Bob & Yvonne Welch. Team Leaders: Donna Arrington, Tricia Corbett, Vicki Portis, Helen Pruet. CP & SP: Dave Lewis.


Faithful Followers
Women of all walks and stages of life • Bride’s Room

“2 Kings”• Second Kings is a continuation of the narrative covered in I Kings. We will continue to watch the Lord’s compassion for His people as they continue to spiral in their sinfulness. As the Lord provides repentance opportunities we watch as Israel and Judah make choices that lead to exile. This study will guide us to understand the intentions of the author, the questions and issues raised in particular passages, and help explain the Scripture in an accessible way that makes sense for daily Christian living. Teacher: Kristie Harrick. Team Leaders: Kathleen Bishop, Carolyn Campbell, Susan McCollum. CP: Chris Thompson. SP: Jim Alexander.

Faithful Followers Audio Archive



International Community
English-speaking internationals • E-218, School Library

“10 Commandments” • We will be studying the Ten Commandments. Teacher: Stephen Merwin. Team Leaders: Kelsos, Ann Lindsey, David Morgan, Neills, Miriam Rueger. SP & CP: Bryan Wintersteen.

Internationals Community Webpage


International Sunday Services

Japanese Congregation Worship Service: 1:30 p.m., G-101 and Zoom, CP: Kotaro Hamamatsu.

Korean Congregation Worship Service: 11:20 a.m., 2209 Rocky Ridge Rd. CP: Sunghoon Shin

Hispanic Congregation Worship Service and Sunday School: 10:30 a.m., 5521 Double Oak Lane (Highway 119) and streaming. CP: Bryan Wintersteen.



CP: Community Pastor
Serves alongside a Shepherding Team to provide shepherding care, class leadership, and biblical training for a Sunday School Community.

SP: Shepherding Pastor
Serves as a Community Pastor in one or more Sunday School Communities. Coordinates the work of other CP’s within his group of Communities. 

A: Administration
C: Children’s Wing
E: Educational Building
FH: Fellowship Hall
G: Gym Wing
Mtn. View: Mountain View Building
M: Ministry Wing
N: Nursery Wing
S: School Wing
W: Worship Center