The Purpose of Sunday School Communities
The purpose of Briarwood’s Sunday School Community Ministry is to teach consistently the whole counsel of God in the context of our congregational communities; to encourage the fellowship of believers, and to build disciples by equipping Christians to make an impact for Jesus Christ, beginning in the home and church and moving to Birmingham and beyond.

Let us help you find the right Sunday School Community for you! Call us at 205-776-5208 or drop by the Membership Office across from the Church Receptionist.

Interested in Learning More About Briarwood?
Click here to read about Briarwood’s Inquirers Class, or call 205.776.5208.

Sunday School Classes Information
The Summer quarter is June 2 – August 25. For class information, read below.

Special Events this Quarter:
Vacation Bible School – June 3-7
Christianity in America – June 30




College Community
College-age • W-202

“Hosea” • The series will study Hosea’s life and message of a God who loves and pursues His adulterous bride. Hosea gives us a glimpse into God’s own heart and shows us the way back to intimacy with Him. Teacher: Mark Purser. Team Leaders: Browns, Caroline Carlisle. CP: Mark Purser. SP: Benny Parks.

College Community Audio Archive


Graduates & Career
A community for graduates to early 30s • M-202

“Timeless Truths from God’s Word” • Teacher: Stephen Bunn. Team Leaders: Gathings, Gewins, & Haynes. CP: Saeyoung Park. SP: Benny Parks.

Graduate & Career Webpage


A community of singles & couples • A-201

“The Greatest Story Ever Told” • The narrative genre not only constitutes over 40% of the Bible (the largest), but it also provides the unifying backbone and context for the rest of Scripture. All of it either culminates in, or flows from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, thus we can rightly describe the entirety of this grand story as the Gospel of God. Join us this summer as we explore the biblical narrative with the aim of reaching a fuller and deeper appreciation of what God has done for us! Teacher: Saeyoung Park. Team Leaders: Barrs, Fisher, Galbreath, Kalehoffs, Moore, Prinz, Weaver. CP & SP: Stephen King.

Branches Webpage


In One Accord
A community for 40s and up • M-210

“How Did We Get Here?” • Every worldview must answer the question of Origins. When did everything begin and how many generations of men have come and gone since then? Where do dinosaurs fit into a biblical worldview? We will consider the grave consequences to the gospel when the historicity of the Genesis account of Creation is compromised. Teacher: Ken Friday. Team Leader: Lance Garrison. CP: Chris Thompson. SP: Benny Parks.



The Oaks
Engaged and young married couples • M-111

“The Attributes of God” • The fact that we recognize that God exists is not enough. It is important that we know who He truly is and what He is like. This quarter we will study the attributes of God to help us better understand who He is. Teacher: Chuck Powell & Jeff Dunn. Team Leaders: Delks, Hersheys, Moores, Russells. CP & SP: Stephen King.


Young married couples with infants to elementary-age children • E-004

“The Ten Commandments” • We will be studying the Ten Commandments to see how we can better love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength and love others as well. Teachers: Chase Crawford & Nathan Sasse. Team Leaders: Bardins, Godwins, Heards, Iveys, Travers. CP & SP: Stephen King.



Young couples with infants to middle school-age children • E-006

“The Parables of Jesus” • We will be studying the Parables of Jesus. Teacher: Various. Team Leaders: Carlisles, Crawfords, Sasses, Welches. CP: Olan Stubbs. SP: Stephen King.

Encounter Audio Archive


Covenant Keepers
Families with infants to middle school-age children • E-008

“Hebrews” • The book of Hebrews was written to encourage first century Christians to keep their faith in Jesus while under great persecution. Hebrews reminds them that Jesus is crowned with glory and honor as their great Prophet, Priest, and King. Join us as we consider the greatness of our Savior and seek to love Him and serve Him. Teacher: Eric Reebals. Team Leaders: Josh Calhoun, Cawoods, Abby Leib, McGregors, Moores. CP: Ryan Leib. SP: Benny Youngblood.



Family Life
A class for the entire family • W-203

“Judges”  • The Book of Judges presents a series of strange stories and colorful personalities during cycles of decline. Judges cries out to us to seek the true hero, Savior King, who rescues us from a culture of declining leadership, rampant idolatry, and individual lawlessness. Teacher: Don Furuto. Team Leaders: Belyeus, Maces. CP & SP: Michael Wichlan.

Family Life Audio Archive



Growing in Grace
Families with preschool to high school-age children • (E-005)

“One Another Passages: Living as One in Christ”• We are called to love one another, honor one another, encourage one another, serve one another and pray for one another – all for His glory and that the world may believe that Jesus is the Christ and Lord of all. Jesus prayed for us in John 17:20-21, “that they all may be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” We will study the “one another” passages in order to learn how to live as one in Christ and to bear His fruit in our lives. Teacher: Benny Youngblood. Team Leaders: Bakers, Duffeys, Marshalls, Martins. CP: Eric Reebals. SP: Benny Youngblood.


Families with preschool to high school-age children • E-007

“James” • We will study together the book of James with a desire to be doers of the Word and not hearers only as we strive with the Holy Spirit to bear fruit of our Faith for His Glory. Teacher: Bruce Stallings. Team Leaders: Blacks, Cains, McCurdys, Morrises, Stewarts, Tidmores. CP & SP: Benny Youngblood.


Heritage Builders
Families with preschool to high school-age children • FH-B

“Timeless Truths from God’s Word” • Teacher: TBD. Team Leaders: Bartons, Bragans, Duffeys, Joneses, Lotts. CP & SP: Stephen King.


Growing Together
Families with preschool to high school-age children • G-103

“What Does it Mean to Be A Laborer” • Let’s look at the three marks of a laborer from Matthew 9:36-39. Teacher: Tyler Clark. Team Leaders: Blacks, Denards, Ellers, Iveys, Worrells. CP: Rob Looper. SP: Michael Wichlan.

Growing Together Audio Archive


Kingdom Seekers
Families with children in high school and older • E-003

“From Womb to Tomb” • Developing a Biblical View of Human Life. Life issues often catch us by surprise, whether it’s in a conversation about current issues or in our personal lives. This class is designed to prepare you for some of life’s most important and complex decisions both Biblically and practically. These include abortion, fertility, gender/sexuality, aging and more. Theis class examines human life issues from “womb to tomb” – and into eternity. Teachers: Howard Eyrich, Eric Johnston, Ike Reeder, Greg Thompson and others. Team Leaders: Carters, Chappells, Greenes, Ricky Moore, Steven Peters, Russ Ponder, Steelmans. CP: Rob Genin. SP: Michael Wichlan.


Next Step
Families with children in high school or older • E-010

“Real Change” • Real Change: How God Transforms Us by His Grace. Every honest Christian knows his or her need for change. But how do we get there? We believe that Scripture reveals God’s penetrating diagnosis of the human condition and His equally penetrating cure in Jesus. But we often struggle to connect the riches of Christ to the realities of life in ways that truly transform us – right here, right now, right where life actually happens. This series will introduce you to a biblical model of change, and will invite you to apply it in practical ways throughout your week. Join us as we learn to see “life as God sees it and change as God does it” through Jesus! Teacher: Greg Norfleet. Team Leaders: Glenn Green, Chuck Powell, Mark Thompson. CP: Benny Parks. SP: Michael Wichlan.

Next Step Audio Archive


Inside Out
Families with children in high school or older • FH-C

“Jonah and Micah” • In both Jonah and Micah we will see that God is a gracious, merciful, and compassionate God both to His covenant people and to the nations. As the people of God today, we have the same responsibility to extend God’s grace, mercy, and compassion to those around us. We’ve been given the task to “be a light for the nations” so that “many nations” will come and learn His ways and “walk in His paths” (Micah 4:2). Teachers: Mike Mungenast & Michael Wichlan. Team Leaders: David Harris, Mike Mungenast, Tripp Reid, Scott Summers. CP & SP: Michael Wichlan.

Inside Out Audio Archive


REAL Matters
Families with children in high school or older • S-201

“Chosen By God” • Every Bible-believing Christian necessarily has some understanding of predestination. We will explore the Biblical and Reformed doctrine predestination, based on R.C. Sproul’s book and teaching series Chosen by God. Our study will include discussions of such topics as the nature and source of evil, man’s free will, humanism in the church, why bad things happen to “good” people, and whether real assurance of salvation is possible apart from a right understanding of the relationship between Sovereign God and fallen people. Teacher: Mark Hess. Team Leaders: Hursts, Keffer, Scotts, Warlicks. CP & SP: Michael.


Hearts and Homes
Families with children in college or older • A-204

“The Attributes of God” • The fundamental principles that we hold tightly to as we navigate through these challenging times. Walking with a passion to make Christ known, not only by our words by our lives. Teacher: Glenn Draper. Team Leaders: Salmons, Sittons, Smedleys, Smithermans. CP: Bobby Parks. SP: Michael Wichlan.


A class for all ages and stages in life • FH-A

“Old Testament Survey” • This class is designed to give a broad overview of the Old Testament, helping people understand the big picture of the story of redemption from creation to the time of silence (post Malachi). Those who complete this class will have a basic understanding of every book in the Old Testament and be better prepared to give an answer for the hope we share in Jesus (I Peter 3:15). Teacher: Rob Genin. Team Leaders: Donaldsons, Mooneys, Towneses. CP: Jim Alexander. SP: Benny Youngblood.

Discovery Audio Archive


Mountain View
A class for all ages and stages in life • A-209

“Nuggets from the Old Testament” • We will finish our study “Answers in Genesis” then “Isaiah from 30,000 Feet” and finish with “Internalizing the Word of God” from Deut. 6. Teachers: Howard Eyrich, Bill Shimer, Theodore Woo. Team Leaders: Adamses, Blackmons, Goebels, Lindsays. CP & SP: Dave Lewis.

Mountain View Audio Archive



Abundant Life
Empty nesters and grandparents • G-101

“An Answer to Religious Pluralism, Secularism, and a Pagan Culture” • Giving a Biblical response to Religious Pluralism( including the ideology of Islam and ISIS ), the constant growth of Secularism in Education and Ecology, and the growing acceptance of a Pagan worldview penetrating societal structures and the church. Teacher: Clete Hux. Team Leaders: Cartwrights, Mullises, Yanceys. CP & SP: Dave Lewis.


Deeper Life
Empty nesters through great-grandparents • Chapel

“The Sufficiency of Christ” • It has been said that “Two things are required for the reformation of the church and the transformation of our society. First, the gospel, and second, a recovery of the greatness of God’s law.” This is a study of the “greatness of God’s law,” from Exodus 20 and its proper place in the life of the believer. Teacher: Rob Looper. Team Leaders: Marjorie Birdsong, Al Black, Blacks, Craigs, Bill Fox, Joyce Ann Jackson, Rick Lathem, Lee McCarty, Bill Moulton, Pat Nabors, Bill Rudd, Barbara Ryals, Greg Wolchok, Charles Woodall. CP: Chuck Morgan. SP: Jim Alexander.

Deeper Life Audio Archive


Kingdom Builders
Empty nesters and grandparents • FH-D

“The Holy Spirit, Holiness and Worship” • A Systematic Study of the Holy Spirit and His Work in Worship. Our theme Scripture verses will be John 16:5-15; Romans 12:1 and Hebrews 12:10, 14, from which we will launch a systematic perusal over what the Scriptures teach regarding the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit and how He illuminates the Word in our hearts for a life of holiness and worship. Teacher: John Haines. Team Leaders: McRaes, Zachows. SP & CP: Dave Lewis.

Kingdom Builders Audio Archive


Empty nesters through great-grandparents • FH-E&F

“Knowing God” • For over fifty years, J.I. Packer’s Knowing God has, to quote Elisabeth Elliot, “plainly shown us ordinary folks what it means to know God.” Though it is impossible to cover entirely in one quarter, we will use significant portions of this Christian classic to study what God’s Word reveals about who God is and how we can come to know Him, “whom to know is life eternal.” Teacher: Mark Travers. Team Leaders: Dickinsons, Huffs, Whaleys, CP & SP: Dave Lewis.

Homestead Audio Archive


Joyful Hearts
Empty nesters through great-grandparents • A-105

“The Anatomy of the Soul” • We’ll be tracing the theme of emotions throughout the Bible, seeing how happiness, grief, anger, and fear play into the Bible’s unified story that leads to Jesus and how biblical view of emotions can transform your relationship to God and others. Teacher: Chad Escue. Team Leaders: Shaws. CP & SP: Jim Alexander.



Women Impacting the World
Women of all walks and stages of life • A-205

“Calvin’s Institutes” • We will learn how sound doctrine can be applied to the believer’s everyday walk with Christ. Teacher: Larkin Delk. Team Leaders: Donna Arrington, Tricia Corbett, Vicki Portis, Helen Pruet. CP & SP: Dave Lewis.


Faithful Followers
Women of all walks and stages of life • Bride’s Room

“I Kings – David to Ahab” • I Kings covers some of the most interesting times in the history of Israel. While we often struggle with the events and the issues of the book of I Kings, this study will guide us to understand the intentions of the author, the questions and issues raised in particular passages, and help explain the Scripture in an accessible way that makes sense for daily Christian living. Teacher: Kristie Harrick. Team Leaders: Kathleen Bishop, Carolyn Campbell, Susan McCollum. CP & SP: Chris Thompson.

Faithful Followers Audio Archive



International Community
English-speaking internationals • E-218, School Library

“I John” • The Apostle John cares about, what we believe, who we obey, and who we love. I John addresses these things and guides us towards great joy, holiness, and assurance of salvation. Teacher: Joel Richards. Team Leaders: Kelsos, Ann Lindsey, David Morgan, Neills, Miriam Rueger. CP: Joel Richards. SP: Bryan Wintersteen.

Internationals Community Webpage


International Sunday Services

Japanese Congregation Worship Service: 1:30 p.m., G-101 and Zoom, CP: Kotaro Hamamatsu.

Korean Congregation Worship Service: 11:20 a.m., 2209 Rocky Ridge Rd. CP: Sunghoon Shin

Hispanic Congregation Worship Service and Sunday School: 10:30 a.m., 5521 Double Oak Lane (Highway 119) and streaming. CP: Bryan Wintersteen.



CP: Community Pastor
Serves alongside a Shepherding Team to provide shepherding care, class leadership, and biblical training for a Sunday School Community.

SP: Shepherding Pastor
Serves as a Community Pastor in one or more Sunday School Communities. Coordinates the work of other CP’s within his group of Communities. 

A: Administration
C: Children’s Wing
E: Educational Building
FH: Fellowship Hall
G: Gym Wing
Mtn. View: Mountain View Building
M: Ministry Wing
N: Nursery Wing
S: School Wing
W: Worship Center