MidWeek January 8 – April 9, 2025






MidWeek Dinner
Join us for our dinner in the Fellowship Hall each Wednesday evening from 5:15–6:30 p.m. Don’t miss out on the fun and fellowship! All are welcome, even if you are not in a small group or another ministry opportunity. $9 per adult • $6 per child (under 12) • $30 per family maximum Please assist us in being good stewards of our resources by registering for the MidWeek meal each week you plan to attend. Registering ahead of time allows us to prepare the proper amount of food, and can be done easily online and all at once if you wish. Go to briarwood.org/dinner and fill out the online form. Register no later than Tuesday at noon prior to the Wednesday you plan to attend. Thank you!


Adult Classes & Studies
Wednesday night offers many new and exciting small group studies, so find the best fit for you and jump in! All ministry opportunities start at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Contact Eric Reebals for more information at 776-5338 or ereebals@briarwood.org.


Children and Youth Activities
Our Children and Youth will find activities designed just for them during MidWeek. Contact the Children’s Ministry at 776-5305 or jstallings@briarwood.org. Contact the Youth Ministry at 776-5269 or k.smith@briarwood.org.


Be sure your nursery-age children have the best possible care by making reservations as soon as possible. Reservations can be made easily online on the Briarwood App, at briarwood.org/nursery, or by calling 776-5214. Please be sure the Nursery knows what study or class you are in each week.




The Ten Commandments
Saeyoung Park, G101 • One of the church’s favorite questions to ask is, “What is God’s will for my life?” What we often mean by this is: what career does He want me to pursue, or who does He want me to marry, or where does He want our family to live and serve? In other words, when we think of God’s “will” we think of it as a subjective personal leading; the special purpose and future that God has in store for me in particular that I must therefore discover. And yet when Scripture speaks of God’s “will”, it more often than not refers to something much more clear, objective, and applicable to the whole body of Christ, namely His commands. What this means is that we cannot possibly know God’s will for our lives unless we know God’s commands. Thankfully, we have a summary of all of God’s commands (and will) in the Decalogue. Join us as we walk through the Ten Commandments to better understand how God calls us to live and love.

Listen to this Study


Special Topics in Public Theology: Work
Dan Doriani, Chapel • 6:30–8:30 p.m. • Are you a Sunday School teacher or Bible study leader interested in understanding the foundational principles of the Biblical view of work? Or do you have questions about how to connect Sunday with your daily work? If so, this course is for you. This course examines the intersection of faith and work in the Reformed tradition, focusing on how work serves as both a calling and a way to honor God by considering the theological and biblical foundations of work. Key topics such as calling, faithfulness, work amid hardship, the rhythm of work and rest. Practically this course seeks to cultivate a renewed vision of work as part of God’s kingdom mission by offering a theology or apologetic of attempting to bring reformation through work. People interested in seminary credit should Emily Hayes 205-776-5354.

Listen to this Study


Mike Wheeler, W202 • 473 Medals of Honor were awarded in World War II. The Medal was awarded to service members of all ranks – from a Lieutenant General to an 18-year-old private. Many others were awarded medals like the Distinguished Service Cross, the Silver Star, and the Navy Cross. Many medals were awarded posthumously. Most went into the War as “ordinary” young men, who responded to their call in extraordinary circumstances. In our Spiritual war, Christ does not call us to serve because of our qualifications. Instead, he calls ordinary men and women and equips them for an extraordinary mission. 


Church History in America
E.J. Waldron, A202 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. • This course presents a survey of Christianity in North America from colonial times to the present. The history, culture, and contributions of major minority groups will be surveyed. People interested in seminary credit should Emily Hayes 205-776-5354.



Ruth – Seeing God as Our Great Provider
Elizabeth Bonderant, G103 • This winter we are going to take a deep dive into the book of Ruth. We will see that it is more than a love story. And it is more than a picture of a worthy woman that we should look to as an example. It is even more than just a glimpse into the lineage of Jesus Christ. It is a glorious unveiling of the heart of God towards his people and the intricate ways in which he sovereignly provides for us and writes our stories for his glory. Women of any age are invited to join in on this study on Wednesday nights.



Infants Nursery (Up to 3 years old)
Nursery Hallway, 6:15–8:00 p.m. • Nursery reservations are required! Go to briarwood.org/nursery or call 776-5214.


CONNECT (K4–3rd grade)
Children’s Auditorium, 6:30–8:00 p.m. • It is our desire for our children to connect to God through biblical teaching, to what God is doing in the world through missionary updates and stories, and to one another through fellowship and recreation. A parent must sign in their child.


IGNITE (4th–6th grade)
GYM, 6:30–8:00 p.m. • Ignite will have a time of Bible study, play games, have free play in the gym and hand out prizes! Drop off children in the Gym Lobby.


RAIDERS (7th & 8th grades)
The Barn, 6:30–8:00 p.m. • Raiders will continue their incredible MidWeek gatherings. Come and invite a friend. Parents, please pick up your Raider from The Barn parking lot at 8:00 p.m.


BYG (9th – 12th grades)
The Barn • 7:00–8:30 p.m. • BYG is a time for high school students to be challenged by God’s Word and to be equipped to impact others for Christ.



Personal Evangelism: The Bridge to Life
Eric Reebals, A105 • Come investigate how to share your faith using “The Bridge to Life.” This training includes a brief class time then on-the-job training, visiting members of our community and answering their questions as they answer ours. For more information contact Eric Reebals 776-5338, ereebals@briarwood.org.


Lay-Counseling in the Local Church (Part 2)
Greg Norfleet, A201 • 6:30–8:00 p.m. • By his Word and Spirit, Jesus counsels and comforts us in our troubles, so that we may counsel and comfort others in their troubles. Last fall, we introduced the theological concepts necessary for understanding how God works to change us. This winter/spring, we will introduce the relational skills necessary for promoting God’s work of change in others. If you missed Part 1, you can still join in and learn lots from Part 2. Whether you wish to grow as a friend, ministry leader, or potential lay counselor, this course will help you walk alongside others in wisdom and love. Briarwood members, please sign up by contacting Julie Olmedo in the counseling office (205-776-5281). Seminary students, please contact Emily Hayes in the seminary office for more details (205-776-5354).


Adoption/Foster Connection (1/15, 2/12, 3/12, 4/9)
Carter Ralph, Bride’s Room • This group ministers to families who have brought children into their homes via adoption or foster care, assists Briarwood families as they go through the adoption/foster process, and promotes adoption and foster parenting within the church. Wednesday night meetings are a time to gather for encouragement and connection with other families in similar situations. For more information, please contact Carter Ralph at w.carter.ralph@gmail.com.


Chancel Choir & Briarwood Orchestra
Choir Room / Worship Center • Singers and instrumentalists, college age and up, join us as we prepare to lead God’s people in worship on Sundays, as well as prepare our Christmas program to be presented with a full orchestra. For more information, contact Penny Philley at pphilley@briarwood.org or 776-5229.


ESL Classes
Courtney McGregor, School Third Floor Lobby – E313 • Impact the nations right here in Birmingham!  Come serve internationals during our weekly English classes. From putting up signs and serving snacks to teaching or assisting in the classroom, we would love to have you join us! We train volunteers to teach and in how to welcome internationals well. Also, if you have a friend, neighbor, or co-worker looking for free English help, please let them know about our classes! Contact Courtney McGregor at cmcgregor@briarwood.org.


Jim Alexander, W203 • A 12-week seminar and encouragement group designed to help those who are grieving the death of a loved one. Each session includes a video presentation hosted by David and Nancy Guthrie, followed by interactive discussions on various aspects of grief. Participants are welcome to start attending any time during the quarter. Contact Tami Wells, 776-5227 or altadenaministries@briarwood.org to let us know you plan to attend, or to get more information about the class. W203 is above the foyer to the Worship Center, near the prayer room. Cost: $20 for workbook.


New Focus
Chris Thompson, E003/005 • New Focus is an outreach of the Mercy Ministry that offers financial literacy for those who call for assistance and we also teach participants how to get and keep a job. Volunteers are needed to coach participants in applying the principles learned in class. Kevin Lott will lead a coaches’ informational meeting at the same time as the participants’ informational meeting on January 8, then regular classes begin on January 15.


Jobs for Life
Adrian VanderWoude, E007/009 • As part of the Mercy Ministry, Jobs for Life offers career direction and equipping for those seeking to find the work that matches the abilities and gifts the Lord has given them. Find more than a paycheck. Find a vocation. Volunteers are needed to coach participants in applying the principles learned in class. Adrian will lead a coaches’ informational meeting at the same time as the participants’ informational meeting on January 8, then regular classes begin on January 15.


Briarwood Inquiry Class (BIC) (1/22, 3/12, & 4/23 Only)
Wendy Long, A209 • Like to find out more about Briarwood Presbyterian Church? Are you interested in church membership? This class explores: Connecting to Christ, What is a Christian; Connecting to the Church, What is the Church; and Connecting to Briarwood, What is Briarwood? If you are interested or want more information, please contact Wendy Long at wlong@briarwood.org or 776-5208.


Prayer for our Church
Joyce Ann Jackson, Prayer Room • Join us as we spend time in prayer for Briarwood Church and its ministries. God has been so faithful to our congregation, and we want to spend this time acknowledging His goodness and lifting up the many ministry opportunities all over the world. Focusing on the spiritual vitality of prayer in the life of the believers, revival throughout our land and learning how to pray as Jesus taught His disciples will be our goal.


Sign Language Beginner Class
S205 • Our goal is to learn 400 signs (with daily practice), to be introduced to deaf culture, and be able to communicate using basic signs.


Sign Language Intermediate Class
S207 • This class builds on the Beginner class. Our goal is to learn 400 additional signs (with daily practice) and increase exposure to and communication with the deaf community.


Sign Language Intermediate Class
S209 • This class builds on the Intermediate I class. Our goal is to learn 400 additional signs (with daily practice) and increase exposure to and communication with the deaf community.


Sign Language Religious Interpreting
S203 • This class builds on the Beginner, Intermediate I, and Intermediate II classes. Our goal is to learn 1) religious signs (with daily practice), 2) practical interpreting techniques using expressive and receptive skills in a class room and “real time” setting, and 3) increase exposure to and have communications with the deaf community.