A community of singles & couples • A-201

“The Greatest Story Ever Told” • The narrative genre not only constitutes over 40% of the Bible (the largest), but it also provides the unifying backbone and context for the rest of Scripture. All of it either culminates in, or flows from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, thus we can rightly describe the entirety of this grand story as the Gospel of God. Join us this summer as we explore the biblical narrative with the aim of reaching a fuller and deeper appreciation of what God has done for us! Teacher: Saeyoung Park. Team Leaders: Barrs, Fisher, Galbreath, Kalehoffs, Moore, Prinz, Weaver. CP & SP: Stephen King.


Audio Files

Listen to “Branches” Sunday School audio on the Briarwood App or by clicking here. 

Listen to Chad Escue’s series “The Anatomy of the Soul” 



Church Opportunities:
Men’s Bible Studies
Women’s Bible Studies
Briarwood Midweek
Christmas at the Caroline House