Jump-Start Classes

AUGUST 14-25, 2023

We typically offer maintenance classes for 2 weeks before the Fall Schedule begins, but this year we have planned some very special things during those two weeks. These weeks are required for Ballet 3, Ballet 4, and Upper School D, but we HIGHLY encourage our gentlemen and our USC & Ballet 2 students to take advantage of these classes, as well.

We are excited to have the following guest teachers and choreographers:

Brook Ogle danced with Briarwood Ballet and Ballet Exaltation throughout high school after which she received a BFA in Dance Performance from Butler University and a Professional Dancers’ Postgraduate Teaching Certificate from the Royal Academy of Dance. She danced with the City Ballet of San Diego from 2008-2020 and currently is an instructor for the Dance School of the Royal Academy of Dance Headquarters in London.

Alisa McCool received her MFA in Choreography and Performance from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts in 2010. When Alisa first moved to Birmingham, she taught for Briarwood Ballet for several seasons. She is now the Coordinator of the Dance Program at Samford University.

Jiri Voborsky was born in the Czech Republic where he began his professional dance training at the Liberec State Ballet School and subsequently was offered a contract from the Opera Ballet of the Moravian National Theatre in Brno. Sensing the Lord’s call, however, Jiri moved to America and joined Ballet Magnificat! He danced as a soloist with the company for 28 seasons and then became the Artistic Director of the Omega Company where he trained our own Mrs. Brittany, Mrs. Amy, and Mrs. Beth! Jiri has created 13 full-length ballets and created works for professional companies around the world.

Payment is required from all participants for all between-session classes. Alumni may take classes at the published rate.

Cost for regular technique class per week:
1 day per week = $12
2 days per week = $20
3 days per week = $27
4 days per week = $34
5 days per week = $40

Master classes are $15 each.

2200 Briarwood Way
Birmingham, AL 35243 (Google Map)