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Upcoming Events:

College Missions Conference
February 25–27

The College Missions Conference will be February 25–27 at The Barn. Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. Friday night. Saturday’s session will begin at 9:00 a.m. The conference will end on Sunday with a talk at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary and a lunch after the Worship Service.



Global Ministries Conference
February 27–March 6

This year’s Global Ministries Conference is February 27–March 6. Find all the details for this year’s conference at If you are interested in becoming more involved with Global Missions, contact Heather McDougall for information at or 205-776-5279.



Ministry Opportunities

VBS 2022 – Volunteers needed!

June 6–10. We are busy making plans for this summer! If you are interested in volunteering, email Raleigh Macoy at Mark your calendar and make plans to attend. Registration will open mid-April at

Nursery for VBS also needs volunteers and helpers. For more info and to sign up, go to


Sign up for Choir:

We need YOU in the Briarwood Choir! No experience is required, just join us in the choir room any Wednesday night at 6:30 to sign up.

For more information go to


Christian Medical Ministry Mission Trip Needs:

Please donate new ibuprofen (200 mg), acetaminophen (500 mg), and cough+cold medicine for a CMMA medical trip to the Dominican Republic. Contact CMMA with questions at 205-776-5470.



Briarwood MidWeek & Men’s and Women’s Studies

Find a list of Women’s Studies at and a list of Men’s Studies at To learn about MidWeek activities offered, as well as make dinner and Nursery reservations, go to



Ministry Impact:

Thank you Briarwood family!

The Mercy Ministry and Fostering Hope wish to thank everyone for their donations to the Diaper and Wipe drive last Sunday. The 4,661 diapers and 15,140 wipes collected will help with the diapering needs of 93 babies. Your generosity was greatly appreciated!

See all of Briarwood’s Sanctity of Life Ministry Partners Here.


Homegoing of Dr. Frank M. Barker, Jr. and Barbara B. Barker

Praise the Lord for the Barkers and their ministry with us! The Celebration of Life services for Dr. Frank Barker and Barbara Barker are available on our website. You can go to to find the videos and bulletins for both Remembrance Services.