Our Values
God’s Word that is Truth: infallible, inerrant and sufficient.
The Gospel of Grace that is the foundation, formation and motivation of the Christian life.
Authentic worship that exalts God, encourages His people and attracts seekers to Christ as Lord and Savior.
Faithful preaching and teaching of God’s Word that is supported by committed personal Bible study.
Every member, seeking to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples, participating in the following ministries:
- UpReach [Worship and Celebration]
- OutReach [Missions and Evangelization]
- InReach [Enfolding and Assimilation]
- DownReach [Discipleship and Maturation]
Leadership development that mentors and matures leaders who diligently shepherd the “flock of God” and consistently reproduce themselves.
Intentional evangelism that winsomely communicates the Gospel and includes personal training, one-to-one relationships and church-wide events.
Dynamic discipleship through life-on-life relationships in small groups that provide prayer, Bible study & fellowship.
Congregational Communities that shepherd, assimilate and assist in building meaningful relationships among God’s people.
Intercessory prayer that is consistent, systematic and focused.
Serving God’s purpose in this world by the power of the Holy Spirit, the preeminence of Christ and the glory of God.