GMT Meeting

Fellowship Hall , Select a Country:

Global Ministry Team Meeting Each month, Briarwood members serve as the Global Ministry Team which oversees and guides your international ministry. They are responsible for communication with international staff and the financial distribution of Faith Promise. If you are interested in learning more, we invite you to attend one of our meetings!


Prayer for Our Nation Prayer Group


Meet with other to pray for our nation and it's leaders. We have a women's group that meets in W203  and a men's group that meets in W204.    

Caregiver Workshop


You will likely NEED a caregiver, or will BE a caregiver. Get the help in simplifying the caregiving process by learning how to navigate the journey and be aware of resources available to caregivers.

TRAILBLAZERS Lunch & Learning

Fellowship Hall , Select a Country:

Attend the Caregiver Seminar at 10:30 am in the Chapel. Then join us for lunch at noon to hear our Korean pastor Jonathan Kim speak and his wife  Judy Kim sing. Hear how they came to Christ and to each other. Lunch tickets are $8 in the Bookstore.


WOC Morning Studies

various location on campus , Select a Country:

Morning Bible Studies— PSALMS, Songs Along the Way a study by Kathleen Nielson Leader: Cindy Reeder Location: FH-A Cost: $12 Gideon: Your Weakness, God's Strength by Priscilla Shirer Leader Mary Anne Turnbull and Maryhelen Mayner Location G-101 Cost: $14 Idol Addiction Leader: Julie Sparkman Location: C200 Cost:$20

Knitting Group

A205 , Select a Country:

LOVE TO KNIT? WANT TO LEARN HOW? Come join the fun on Wednesdays and knit projects for Briarwood Mercy Ministries.


Women’s Grad/Career Study

Grad/Career Women's Bible Study So much of our confusion and pain results because we don't know God—who He really is, how He works in our lives. When you know God more fully by studying His names—Creator, Healer, Protector, Provider, and many others—you'll gain power to stand strong, and your walk with God will transformed. This […]



An hour of stretching and work on all major muscle groups with an emphasis on the core abdominals to worshipful music. This exercise class will meet every Tuesday and Thursday. Beginners are welcome. No need to bring anything but yourself and maybe a friend. Taught by Kelly Patrick. Nursery is $10 per month provided through […]


Prayer for Our Nation Prayer Group


Meet with other to pray for our nation and it's leaders. We have a women's group that meets in W203  and a men's group that meets in W204.    


Get in Shape Class

Ballet Studio , Select a Country:

An hour strength/conditioning class that combines step aerobics with muscle work. This class will meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This class will also include a healthy eating, health lifestyle training. Beginners are welcome. No need to bring anything but yourself and maybe a friend. Taught by Kelly Patrick. Nursery is $10 per month provided […]