
WOC Study

G101 , Select a Country:

The Promised One by Nancy Guthrie Meets: Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. Location: G-101 Leaders: Mary Anne Turnbull and Karen Duffey Starts: January 7 Cost: Books can be purchased in the bookstore for $13 The Promised One provides a fresh look at the book of Genesis, leading readers in discovering how its stories, symbols, people, and promises […]


WOC Study


Tuesday Night Study Meets: Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m. Location: G-103 Leader: Liz Entrekin Starts: January 7 Join with other women this spring as they continue foster their relationship with the Lord through the study of His Word.


MOC Study

Fellowship Hall F

Wednesdays—Meets in Fellowship Hall F at 6:30 a.m. January 8 – April 29 (14 weeks) No meeting 2/26, 3/25 and 4/8. Jason Ellerbee Means of Grace



Church Campus , Select a Country:

MidWeek at Briarwood is a Wednesday night fellowship and learning opportunity. The evening begins with a yummy meal where you can meet new people, catch up with friends, or just spend time with your own family. Then choose one of many different classes and activities. MIDWEEK begins with the Fellowship Dinner at 5:30 p.m. and classes and […]


WOC Study


Romans: The Gospel and Doctrines of Grace Meets: Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Location: M-202 Leader: Donna Evans Starts: January 8 Our Romans study is entitled: “Romans: The Gospel and Doctrines of Grace.” Paul’s letter to the Romans is a kind of Christian manifesto. “It is the fullest, plainest, and grandest statement of the gospel in […]


WOC Study


Colossians Meets: Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Locations: M-200 Leader: Dr. Susan McCollum Starts: January 8 Another new year!? Start it by looking at the all sufficiency of the Lord Jesus, for every step of this year. We need nothing beyond Him, but we do need him. Come join us as we dive into the book […]


WOC Study


Studying the Bible/Teaching the Bible Meets: Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Location: G-103 Leader: Discipleship Team Starts: January 8 A workshop aimed at equipping you to rightly understand and handle the Word of God using expositional study principles. This series is open to any woman who wants to become a better student or teacher of the […]


WOC Study


Precept: Romans Part 4/1 Samuel Meets: Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Location: FH-A Leader: Windsu Kelly, Bingham Carlson, and Cassandra Bullington Starts: January 9 (we will finish Romans Pt. 4 in January); February 6 (we will begin 1 Samuel) Cost: $20 As I Samuel begins the nation of Israel is at a low point spiritually. The […]


WOC Study

G101 , Select a Country:

True Worship Meets: Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Location: G-101 Leader: Kristie Harrick Starts: January 9 Worship at its simplest is to give worth to something, to show forth its worthiness or worth-ship. Join us as we dive into the what the Word says about worship. With Isaiah 6 and Romans 12 as the backdrop we […]


MOC Study

Fellowship Hall F

Fridays—Meets in Fellowship Hall F at 6:30 a.m. January 10 – May 1 (16 Weeks) No meeting 4/10. Benny Parks Indwelling Sin in Believers by John Owen