
WOC Study


Precept: Romans Part 4/1 Samuel Meets: Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Location: FH-A Leader: Windsu Kelly, Bingham Carlson, and Cassandra Bullington Starts: January 9 (we will finish Romans Pt. 4 in January); February 6 (we will begin 1 Samuel) Cost: $20 As I Samuel begins the nation of Israel is at a low point spiritually. The […]


WOC Study

G101 , Select a Country:

True Worship Meets: Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Location: G-101 Leader: Kristie Harrick Starts: January 9 Worship at its simplest is to give worth to something, to show forth its worthiness or worth-ship. Join us as we dive into the what the Word says about worship. With Isaiah 6 and Romans 12 as the backdrop we […]


MOC Study

Fellowship Hall F

Fridays—Meets in Fellowship Hall F at 6:30 a.m. January 10 – May 1 (16 Weeks) No meeting 4/10. Benny Parks Indwelling Sin in Believers by John Owen


WOC Study

G101 , Select a Country:

Joshua Meets: Fridays at 9:30 a.m. Location: G-101 Leaders: Elizabeth Bondurant & Kristie Harrick Starts: January 10 Join us as we dive into the book of Joshua. This is a book of faithfulness. Faithfulness demonstrated by the various men and women highlighted in the 25 years covered in the book. More importantly, it is a […]


WOC Study

Caroline House

Caroline Circle Meets: 2nd Tuesday of each month-fellowship at 10:00 a.m. and study at 10:30 a.m. Location: Caroline House Leaders: Jan Clark and Nancy Mansfield Starts: January 14 Make time, once a month to meet with other women, study the Word, and enjoy a time of fellowship and prayer. We will study about heaven: what […]

Birmingham Rally and March for Life

Brother Bryan Park 22nd Street South at 10th Ave, Birmingham, AL, United States

The pro-life community will gather at Brother Bryan Park (22nd Street South at 10th Avenue) on Saturday, January 18 at 10:45 a.m. for the annual Birmingham Rally and March for Life. This year, the Rally will be preceded by a Mass for Life at the Cathedral of St. Paul (2120 3rd. Avenue North) at 9:00 […]

Briarwood Ballet Sociable

Briarwood Church Gymnasium 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, AL, United States

Hey Y’all… We’ve wrangled up a list of the most popular country line dances that are sure to get your toes tappin’ on the dance floor! So Folks… Grab your boots… Tie a bandanna… & JOIN THE FUN, Friday, January 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Gym! There will also be a presentation by […]


MOC Study

Cajun Seafood House 2531 Rocky Ridge Rd

Tuesdays—Meets at the Cajun Seafood House at 11:45 a.m. January 28 – March 17 (8 Weeks) Harry Reeder Exodus 15

Biblical Theology Workshop for Women

Worship Center 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, United States

Do you ever read the Bible and have a sense that there is a deeper meaning or significance that you can’t quite figure out? Or do you sometimes wonder why others are able to draw something out of a passage of Scripture that you didn’t see until they pointed it out? If so, we hope […]

Sportsman’s Blast

Fellowship Hall , Select a Country:

Briarwood Men welcome back Russell Thornberry Friday, February 7 to the annual Sportsman’s Blast. Here is an excellent opportunity to invite a friend or relative to an outdoor sports exhibition followed by a delicious barbeque dinner, where they will hear a compelling sharing of the gospel. Click here for more details and to purchase tickets.
