Pulpit Committee Nominating Form

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Pastoral Committee Information

Briarwood Church Family,

At our Lord’s Day morning services on July 28, Ruling Elder Billy Ball announced that the Session of Briarwood has established a process to create a Pulpit Committee to select and recommend a new Senior Pastor for Briarwood. This is an exciting time in the life of our church, and we ask you to be in prayer regularly as we embark on this process. Please see below RE Ball’s announcement from the July 28 service.

The following key dates and information were presented on July 28:

Pulpit Committee Selection Process Timeline:
• Sunday, July 28: Announcement & Open Nominations
• Monday, August 12: Close Nominations at 5:00pm
• Sunday, August 25: Congregational Meeting to vote on Pulpit Committee slate (8:00am–12:30pm)

Ways to Submit Nominations:
• Nominating form at briarwood.org or use QR code
• Send an email to nominations@briarwood.org.
• Call Leigh Ann Reese at 205-776-5301.

On Tuesday, July 23, the Session approved using the current Nominating Committee to help facilitate the process of establishing our Pulpit Committee. The Nominating Committee consists of Ruling Elders (Steve Gathings, Don Hendry, Lance Radbill, Tim Scott), Deacons (Tim Ayers, Jonathan Sanders, Scott Summers) and Pastors (Benny Parks and Benny Youngblood). Also, the Session voted to add 3 others for input. They include Dr. Doriani and his appointment of Mrs. Kelly Buck and Mrs. Audrey Jowers.

Please feel free to reach out to any member of the Nominating Committee with questions you may have, and continue in prayer for your Session, Staff, the Nominating Committee, the eventual Pulpit Committee, and for our church as we take the next steps in this transition.

May God alone be glorified!

RE Tim Scott
Chairman, 2024 Nominating Committee
Briarwood Presbyterian Church



Pastoral Search Update Announcement

Good morning! Once again, I have been asked to provide an update to you on our transition process. In early June I shared that the Session was beginning to discuss what an appropriate Senior Pastor Search process would look like. Our PCA Book of Church Order states that the Session shall call a congregational meeting to elect a pulpit committee to search for a Senior Pastor. When the pulpit committee has finished its work, it is to recommend to the congregation a pastoral candidate for the congregation’s approval.

This morning, I am excited to report that the Session met this past Tuesday and has unanimously approved a process for you, the members of Briarwood Presbyterian Church, to nominate other Briarwood Members to serve on the pulpit committee and then to formally elect our pulpit committee at a Congregational Meeting in late August.

This slide shows key dates and information for you to be aware of. First, starting today, any member of Briarwood Presbyterian Church can nominate another member in good standing to be considered as a candidate for the pulpit committee. This nomination period will be open for two weeks and will close on Monday, August 12. You can now make your nominations on-line at the Briarwood website, by QR code, or by emailing your nominations to nominations@briarwood.org. If you have difficulty with these options, then you may call Leigh Ann Reese at the church, and she will help you.

The Session has appointed a Nominating Committee to help facilitate the process of establishing our pulpit committee. In order to do this, the Nominating Committee will consider all the names that are nominated by you in order to populate a 12-member pulpit committee that reflects a broad cross-section of the Church. The Session has established that the pulpit committee will consist of Ruling Elders, Deacons, Women and members both married and single representing a cross-section of our church by including folks across all adult age groups.

Finally, the Session has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, August 25th at which time you will vote to approve the recommended slate of the pulpit committee. Once you approve the establishment of the pulpit committee on August 25th, the pulpit committee will begin its work and will report back to you concerning their progress.

The details I have shared with you this morning are now available on the Briarwood website and will be distributed by mail, email and through the Briarwood Weekly. If you have questions about the process do not hesitate to ask Session members.

In summary, over the next month, we will work together to form a pulpit committee and then they will work together to identify our next senior pastor.

I hope that this decision to form our pulpit committee is as encouraging to you as it is to me. We are moving forward as the Lord provides and guides. This is an exciting time!

As I always do, I want to ask that you pray for Briarwood Church. Be praying for the establishment of the pulpit committee and that the Lord will guide and direct them to the man He has chosen to be the next Senior Pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church!

Also, continue to pray for Dr. Doriani and the entire Briarwood staff as they minister during this transition and that Briarwood Church will continue to stay On Mission, On Message and In Ministry!

Thank you!
– Billy Ball