A Pastor’s Heart: Essays in Memory of Harry L. Reeder III



This collection of essays, written in honor of beloved Pastor/Teacher Harry L. Reeder III,
points not only to his life but beyond it to the God he served. Collected by Pastor Reeder’s
son, Ike, and edited by Derrick E. Brite, this selection of essays on the multi–faceted
and different elements of ministry is written by men who acknowledge his influence on
their lives and ministries. You will find essays on evangelism, discipleship, shepherding,
and Christian education. There are writings on mission and vision, leadership and staff
leadership, and on the pastor and cultural engagement. The book is a wonderful resource
for young pastors, as a guide to beginning their journey to biblical spiritual formation in
their ministry calling. Or for any Christian who is faithfully trying to be, as Pastor Reeder
would often say, “on mission, on message, in ministry.”

Dr. Reeder’s zeal for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is beautifully
honored in A Pastor’s Heart, celebrating God’s kindness in calling and raising up this
courageous shepherd and leader of God’s people. Rekindle the embers of your heart for
the Lord and His church as you read through and reflect on these lovingly and
thoughtfully gathered pages from faithful ministers and the Reeder family.
–Chris Larson, President and CEO of Ligonier Ministries