Men of the Covenant

The Men’s Ministry of Briarwood Presbyterian Church is called “Men of the Covenant,” and our goal is to ensure that our church and our families, in this generation and the next, are led by strong, able, Christ-like men. We believe that building men of character and conviction is one of the highest priorities in the mission of the church. Discipleship-oriented courses make up the nucleus of our ministry. Other special events tailored especially for men round out our focus on equipping men to “act like men.” Please contact Eric Reebals with questions or for more information.

…that in everything He might be preeminent (Colossians 1:18).



MOC Summer Study 2024

“Work: Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation” book by Dan Doriani
6:30 a.m. each Wednesday in Fellowship Hall A & B
June 12 – August 21 (10 Weeks) – No Meeting on July 3

Coffee, orange juice, and Chick-fil-A Biscuits will be available.
The book is available now in the Briarwood Bookstore for $10.
They will also be available during the first two weeks of the study.

How does work fit into a meaningful, God-honoring life?
For some, the answer comes quickly.
Others have a tough time connecting their job to their faith.
Are we just to work hard, avoid immorality, and witness to coworkers?

Questions about work should go even deeper.

— Does all work really matter? Does it matter equally?
— Is being “true to your craft” the same thing as being faithful at work?
— How can you use your work to promote the good of your neighbor, mankind, and the world?

The product of twenty years of thought and hundreds of interviews,
Work goes beyond historical background and inspiring stories to
explain the Bible’s teaching on the nature, glory, misery, and eventual restoration of work.
Through our work, whatever it may be, we have an opportunity to
love our neighbors as ourselves—and to serve God in transforming his world.