Discover your Spiritual Gifts

A Spiritual Gift is a God-designed and God-delivered ministry resource to be used for God’s glory in concert with other believers, enabling Christ’s church to effectively exalt Christ.


How do we discover our spiritual gifts?

Take a Spiritual Gifts Inventory to begin the journey. Click Here

After taking the Spiritual Gifts inventory, talk to a church staff member about exploring different options for service to help give direction to how to use the gifts.

The Women’s Ministry office would love to know what your spiritual gifts are so that we can provide opportunities for service as well.  Please email with your spiritual gifts.


How do we develop and steward these spiritual gifts well?

Be a Student of the Word

To some degree each of these gifts has an element of handling and understanding the Word. Therefore in developing and stewarding these gifts well, one should seek to be students of the Word.

  • Cultivate a deep personal time with the Lord
  • Cultivate time studying the Word more deeply
    • Build a strong foundation in
        • Psalm 119 – the power of the Word
        • One of the Gospels
        • Genesis
        • Romans
    • Helps: Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin; Briarwood’s Pathway to Preparation course; Online training courses through Simeon’s Trust and RTS

Be persistent in your Prayer Life

Prayer is essential in developing and stewarding one’s spiritual gifts.

  • Ask the Lord to show you where He has uniquely gifted you
  • Ask the Lord to guide you in using your gifts for His glory
  • Ask the Lord to grow you in your gifts
  • Prayer From Crosswalk: Do not let us neglect Your Spirit or the gifts You have given us. Give us the courage to use these gifts and the humility to not use them for our glory, but for You and Your glory. Help us see the good work You have ready for us and embrace that work with willingness and joy.

Engage in ministry.

Pastor Reeder stated in a recent sermon: What’s the best way for you to get started in discovering your gift? The best way is to go start ministering. Take your passion and find a ministry that fulfills that passion. You will see people with different backgrounds working in the same ministry and contributing to that ministry because of that passion.

  • Volunteer in various ministries to see what might be a good fit
  • Meet with a church minister to talk through your spiritual gifts and ask for opportunities to engage
  • Follow up with the volunteer leaders and/or ministerial staff to talk through whether or not you are in the best place to use your gifts