Faithful Followers

“The Church in Revelation”• Bride’s Room
Women of all walks and stages of life Jesus’ message to the Church at Pergamum. The church today faces threats from without and within. Perhaps the threats from within the church are the most insidious. False teaching and false teachers can slowly creep in and undermine the authority of Scripture. Worldliness and identification with the culture will sap the church of its being salt and light. The church in Pergamum had commendable strengths, but it was in danger of the world’s influences. What is worldliness? How do we combat worldliness in our own lives and in our churches? How do we discern false teaching? Let’s take a look at what Jesus says not only to the church in Pergamum but also to the church today. Teacher: Vicki Portis. Team Leaders: Kathleen Bishop, Carolyn Campbell, Susan McCollum. CP: Chris Thompson. SP: Dave Matthews.


Audio Files

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